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Environment - clearing up rubbish

Around half of the world’s children (approximately 1 billion) reside in countries highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Keeping in mind the dangers of global warming for our common future we are always aware that preserving the health and beauty of our environment is an integral part of our lives,

We launched a drive to start making this a public statement by encouraging the children hosted in our summer camps to pick up rubbish along the beaches wherever they were, which they responded to with great enthusiasm. Respecting and protecting the environment are cardinal points in all our programs.

Tomato Express

South-East Crete is one of Greece’s main areas of agricultural production. However, every year tons and tons of tomatoes and other vegetables are thrown away just because they are the wrong size or shape for commercial distribution. Farmers hate to throw away their produce after all their hard work simply because fruits and vegetables are not perfect. Yet, around us, every day families and children are going hungry and cannot afford to buy fresh produce.

Thanks to the generosity of many local businesses, Crete for Life distributes tons of freshly picked vegetables to local families, to other charities in Crete, Athens and to other parts of mainland Greece. Together with our Greek partners, we have distributed fresh vegetables to refugee camps, social kitchens, schools and hospitals.

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