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“I dream of a world that offers opportunities for all children. After having seen so much suffering and so much talent and energy wasted, I have committed myself to helping children in need.” – Olimpia Theodoli, Founder of CFL.

Why Crete?

Our Organization - Crete for Life

Crete occupies a unique geographic location, at a meeting point of three continents, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Its climate, its famous, healthy diet, its nature and the hospitality and generosity of its people make it a unique setting for a charity of this kind.

In today’s world, many children live without opportunities to play, to learn, to be children. Wherever they come from, whatever their background, we believe that children need these opportunities if they are to develop the skills and qualities essential for their adult life.

Crete for Life runs practical projects to support children and young adults made vulnerable by war, illness, abuse and social or economic poverty and exclusion.


Olimpia Theodoli

Olimpia Theodoli

After a career in the art world in London, Olimpia moved to Crete where she wondered how to share the beauty and nature of this island with kids who had a difficult start in life. Founding Crete For Life almost 20 years ago has allowed her to meet many wonderful people and, especially hundreds of children that have opened her world.

Olimpia Theodoli

Carolina Caracciolo

Carolina has moved permanently to Crete a few years ago from Rome, and never looked back. A published author, she brings fluent Greek and a lot of fun to Crete For Life, of which she is an important part since the beginning. Through the years she has volunteered, fundraised and being on the board many times.

Antonio Vitulli

Antonio comes from the sea, from the city of Genoa, and in Crete has found a second home. He has a truly empathic ability to talk, and especially to listens and understand, to people that are so different from him, and this makes a huge difference to the human impact of Crete For Life’s projects. His intuitions, and his huge sense of humour, have supported everyone in the association though the years.

Annamaria Rocca

Annamaria is from Venice and has worked in film location in the city which she knows amazingly well. She has travelled a lot and has volunteered in India supporting many children through the years. She is an amazing supporter, fundraiser, and donor to Crete For Life, has volunteered at the summer camps, is a precious part of the board and much more!

“CRETE FOR LIFE ODV” is a charity registered in Italy since 2006 as a ODV (organizzazione di volontariato) volunteer organization.


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